Wednesday, January 21, 2009

numeric freakishness

44 = current pres count
43 = prior pres count
32 = sub total #2, hold on to this, 'but wait', it gets better

20 = inauguration day
20 = also length of speech in mins
20 = also, more, the temp in wash DC on that date
20 = first part of current year
64 = sub total #3 its getting weirder-er

01 = current month
08 = second part of current year
78 = museums at smithsonian
44 = subtotal #4, oh this cant go on....

13122332823731273129 = GRAND TOTAL!!!!! (hows that for bizzare?)


Mermaid Melanie said...

I dig numeric correlation's.... thanks for bending your mind...

Akira said...

Actually, the inauguration speech was 18 minutes.

harold said...

additionally, it was actually 22 degrees outside, but for the equation to werk perfectly, i loaned twooh degreez over to the minutes, so as to maintain a consistency in the 20+20+20. but YEW, yew, being a clever clogg stop watching watch watcher were juss too too sneaky, now you know!

amazing, huh, spooky (time to clip them nails of yers!)