Monday, June 01, 2009

bubbeez on t'elly

okay, this time and this time only, i do a brag thingy, kids made tee vee commercials, yes, a pro(u)d 'dabb', below R links to vids:

big surf, cleanest
big surf, fastest
big surf, funnest
big surf, safest
big surf, biggest

best wishes to big surf water park / (alex! of god save the queenlyest of englands) and THANK YEW for having my beloved daughters be part of yer ongoing success!


Anonymous said...

the girls are great. i can't say much for that guy who was floating around in his little dingy, though. looks like he might have to check again for more squeemuses!!!!!

Anonymous said...

...because of his pasty white british skin, you see?

btw, i'm going to be a grandpa today. exciting, huh?

Mermaid Melanie said...

its too far away for me to go... darnit.

harold said...

nepper - kewel, 1 day arf fr rabbitz!!!!

m - wellum, yar....

Anonymous said...

Super ads. The girls are natural stars. I'm off to Big Surf! Timm

harold said...

thx teem

means munch

dont ferget yer swimmig costume!