Saturday, May 02, 2009

butter dux

plastic bag hats and a thousand cool fings abt chicago that juss wont stop happenin!!

check bakk in to this bat channel for more soonly!

met and sat with lechens last night (juss hit all the linkys on the g, he does not bleeve in heez own site, i bleeve he said, too removed for mundanities, allows his 'devotees' to perfeorm his 'mktg' furr heem, definately hit tha you tube linky and hear his throat, SOAR, for yew, my sweet bird...

so yew have ta lookie at those whoo love admire he, as in me, as well, also twoo, lucky ole me...), thank to a tip off fr my pallyo chris jakab

ah, well, never dun...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all storms crack,